Do you have a problem with dark underarms? Are you having a problem wearing short sleeved shirt or dress because of this? Many factors cause the darkening of underarms and these includes;  

• Excessive sweating 
• Shaving 
• Poor underarm ventilation 
• Use of hair removing creams 
• Alcohol-based deodorants 
• Accumulation of dead skin cells 

Acanthosis can also be a cause of dark underarms and this can be due to resistance to insulin, hormonal disorders, cancer, obesity and some medications. 

Going to a dermatologist or salons for underarm whitening can be really pricey so why not go the natural way instead? Aside from avoiding the bad effects of chemicals, this can also save you a lot of your hard earned money.  

Here are some natural ways to whiten underarms; 

POTATOES – Get a slice of potato then rub it in your underarms. You can also apply the juice of a grated potato over the dark areas. Just allow it to dry for twenty minutes then wash off with lukewarm water. 

Do this twice daily. It will surely improve with the bleaching properties of potato. 

VINEGAR – Mix vinegar and flour and make it into a paste then rub on your underarms. Allow to dry for fifteen minutes then wash off with warm water. 

Do this for several days every week. 

LEMON – Rub lemon in your underarms then leave for ten minutes. Wash it off with water then apply some moisturizer to avoid irritation. 

COCONUT OIL – Put a few drops of coconut oil in your underarms before going to the shower. Massage for ten minutes then wash off with soap and water. 

Do this daily and you will see positive results.  

BAKING SODA – Mix water and baking soda and make a paste. Scrub the paste into your underarms then wash off and allow it to dry. 

Do this several times in a week to get better results. 

You can avoid dark underarms by; 

• Instead of shaving creams, try using coconut oil. It will make the skin of your underarms soft and smooth. 

• Instead of shaving the underarms, try waxing it instead. Shaving promotes the development of hair ingrown. This makes the underarms appear dark. 

• To control sweating, use natural antiperspirants. 

• Exfoliate underarms weekly. This will prevent the buildup of dead skin cells.


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