Got Digestive Problems? You Can Try These Natural Remedies

You may have been accustomed to having digestive problems that you might have not done anything to treat it. Aside from that, you might be worried about the expensive medicines, not to mention the side effects that come with it.  

First of all, before looking for the best remedy to any digestive problem, you have to be aware of the reason/s. 


Lack of exercise and sleep, eating before going to bed, smoking and emotional stress 


Too much consumption of carbs and sugars, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine and eating too much 


Viral infections damage your digestive system and lead to several diseases such as hiatal hernia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. 


Food sensitivities are caused by lack of lactase; responsible for the breaking down of milk sugar. 


Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria in the gut, laxatives and synthetic hormones which may affect the digestive system’s function. 

Now that you know the possible reasons behind your digestive system problems, you can now choose among the following natural remedies;  


Herbal medicines are advantageous in treating digestive problems because they reduce stress, absorb gases, eliminate pollutants and help blood flow to the digestive system. Herbs are good for diarrhea or constipation, irritable bowel, ulcers and intestinal infections. 


Make an infusion of peppermint, chamomile, fennel seeds and lemon balm. 

Let steep for 10 minutes in hot water. Strain then drink. 

Do this at least 3x daily. Word of caution though; for those who suffer from heartburn, try to avoid peppermint. 


Daily stress causes digestive problems and the women suffer more from this than men. A common disorder caused by stress is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). If your problem is stress related, there are some therapies like reflexology or acupuncture, using essential oils such as chamomile or lavender, combining of herbs with calming properties like hops and lemon balm. Stress is not only a major cause of digestive problems but other diseases like heart problems, high thyroid activity, and diabetes. 


Probiotic bacteria strengthen the intestine. They handle the pollutants that penetrated the intestine and digestive enzymes like papain and bromelain to improve the process of digestion. 


Overload of unhealthy foods can cause problems in the digestive system. Changing the eating habits can improve the digestive problem you have. Try eating in a relaxed atmosphere; concentrate and avoid reading books or newspaper and watching tv. Chew food well. 


Add superfoods in your menu; fish with Omega-3 which is known to be anti-inflammatory. Cabbage eases digestive tract inflammation because it contains amino acid glutamine. Pumpkin seeds and flaxseed are a big help to those who suffer from constipation. 


Exercise relieves stress. It also regulates digestion because of the body movement. 


Some digestive problems are caused by sensitivities to certain foods. Try to remove these foods and observe how your digestive system reacts; Chocolates, dairy products, shellfish, citrus fruits, nuts, eggs, fish, and caffeine 


Toxins cause digestive problems so you can say that it is good to detoxify once in a while to cleanse your digestive system and get rid of the toxins that have accumulated from too much consumption of processed foods, meats, and sugary foods. Foods like garlic, wheat germ, algae, onions, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, water, and fruits help in eliminating toxins in the digestive system. <


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