The Health Benefits Of Rambutan That You Probably Do Not Know

Rambutan or Nephelium Laapaceum, is a red, hairy and small fruit on the exterior but with a juicy white flesh inside. It originated in Malaysia and Indonesia but had been cultured all throughout Southeast Asia and had spread to other parts of the world like India, America and Australia. It got its name from the Indonesian word, rambut, meaning hair. 

The fruit is popular because of its delicious taste but do you know that it also has a lot of health benefits to boast of? It’s been called “super fruit” by the experts because of its many benefits. It can be a great substitute to the common favourite of many, the processed foods and other junk foods. The benefits can be found not only on the fruit but on the bark, rind and leaves as well. Benefits of Rambutan


Iron is vital for the proper function of the body. It is used in transferring oxygen from your lungs to other body tissues. Lack of proper iron in your body would result to fatigue, dizziness and paleness. Rambutan, having an enormous amount of iron content, will be extremely beneficial for your health. 


Rambutan seeds decrease weight. It is effective in lessening the amount of body fats. The fruit itself has a high fiber content and low in calories aside from containing a vast amount of water. Aside from these benefits, rambutan also helps prevent bloating. 


Rambutan, having an enormous amount of protein and carbohydrates, will be an effective energy booster. This fruit is also very rich in water, making it a thirst quencher. 


Rambutan is rich in phosphorus, a mineral essential for filtering kidney wastes. Phosphorus is also the one responsible for the development maintenance and repair of body cells and tissues.  


Rambutan has a significant amount of calcium which works together with phosphorus thus making bones and teeth stronger. Stronger bones will reduce the chances of having fractures and bone diseases. 


Rambutan leaves create a paste that gives nourishment to the hair inside and out. 


Rambutan has the ability to hydrate the skin, making it soft and smooth since it has high water content. It also has free radicals and guards efficiently against cancer. 


Rambutan contains anti-oxidants and can be effective in the treatment of cancer. It also has gallic acid, a compound that kills the radicals and protects the body from oxidative damage. The seeds and skin have both been proven to be an effective agent in fighting off cancer.

These Are The Benefits That Your Body Will Get If You Soak OKRA In A Glass Of Water Overnight Then Eat It In An Empty Stomach

Okra or Lady Fingers is one of the healthiest flowering plant all over the world. It is almost always used as a favorite addition to many dishes. But of course, not everyone eats this plant especially the younger ones because of its kind of different taste and texture when it is inside the mouth. 

Okra contains many health benefits; organic compound substance, vitamins and minerals. It has a high nutritional value since it contains Vitamins A, B, C , E and K. It also has minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and potassium. It also has a high mucilaginous fiber level.  

If you want to get the best health benefit from Okra, soak it with clean water at night then drink the water and consume the okra in the morning. By doing this very simple home remedy, your health will extremely improve, more than you expect it to. 

Benefits of OKRA


Okra, being a great source of minerals like potassium and vitamins, plays a vital role in the improvement of the overall health of humans. Potassium is needed to maintain the proper balance of fluid in your body. This aids in sodium balancing. It also helps in the relaxation of the arteries and blood vessels. This in turn reduces blood pressure levels and decreases strain on cardiovascular system which will eventually result in lessening the risk of atherosclerosis and clotting. 


Okra contains several antioxidant components which make it very advantageous in fighting off the free radicals and it also has a high content of Vitamin C, which aids in the boosting of your immune system. Vitamin C stimulates your immune system to produce more white blood cells. The white blood cells fight the foreign pathogens and materials that harm the immune system.  


Okra is rich in fiber which makes it very helpful for the digestive system. The mucilaginous fiber content of okra assists in easier food digestion because it helps move food through the digestive tract. Bowel movements will be more regular and there will be lesser bloating, constipation, gas and cramping. It will also help prevent the onset of diarrhea. Aside from these, okra also cleanses your body of cholesterol. 


The antioxidants and vitamins of okra give helpful benefits in maintaining a beautiful and healthy skin. It also makes wounds heal faster and it helps in reducing acne breakouts and removes wrinkles. 


Being exceptionally high in Vitamin A and the antioxidant components xanthenes, lutein and beta carotenes, Okra has been said to be a very powerful aid in destroying free radicals thus protects the eyes from the elements that causes poor eyesight. It protects the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.

The Bad Effects Of Not Having Enough Sleep And What You Should Do About It

In this busy and challenging world, sleep had become a luxury. You can say that there are instances that you are actually being deprived of sleep with all the deadlines to meet. They say that this is somewhat a sign of progress and much better than having so many hours to spend on sleeping which means that you are either unemployed or on a part-time only. 

Having said that, are you aware that not having enough sleep can cause many problems for you? It can be a risk to your health as it can cause many health conditions and one of them is high blood pressure. A weak immune system is also a side effect of not sleeping enough.  

To be sure if you are not having enough sleep, these are the symptoms so check them out

Increased Errors or Accidents 
If you have been sleeping less, chances are, your mind will be like floating somewhere. This is turn might result in committing many errors in your job or worst, you might end up having an accident. 

Feeling Tired During The Day 
If you see yourself always craving for some coffee or yawning most of the day, that’s another sign for you. Also, if you feel yourself to need some nap time within the day, it’s very obvious that you didn’t sleep enough.  

Sleeping helps the body in making the hormones normal thus the hormones will go crazy if you don’t sleep enough and this will create a breakout of acne. 

Mood Swings 
Having less sleep than needed causes irritability 

Weight Gain 
The hormones leptin and ghrelin are manipulated by sleep. These hormones are responsible for appetite control which means that if you are not sleeping enough, the hormones will mess up and the body will then crave for food more than it actually needs. This in turn will end up in gaining too much weight. 

As you can see, the symptoms and results are not good. These will definitely take a toll on your health. So what better way than to find some remedies before it gets to worse, right?  

Here are some remedies you can do at home; 

*Drinking warm milk before going to bed has been proven effective centuries ago. Milk has calcium which is aids your brain in producing melatonin, which is the hormone that is responsible for promoting sleep. 

*Melatonin, the hormone which is responsible for regulating sleep is not just the one produced by the brain but also, it can be taken in the form of natural supplements. You can buy them from health stores. 

*Avoid eating heavy meals before going to bed but rather, you can just take in some light snack that has carbohydrates and protein.  

*Lavender can decrease blood pressure and heart rate, according to the National Sleep Foundation. This will prepare you for a good sleep. 

*Another helpful aid in lulling yourself to sleep is by adding magnesium in your daily diet. Spinach, dark chocolates and pumpkin seeds are some of the foods that are rich in magnesium. 

Now that you are aware that depriving yourself of getting the right amount of sleep can be bad for your health, you should slowly try to help yourself sleep well to avoid any health conditions.

Early Warning Signs Of Cancer That Women Ignore

Though there are some types of cancers that don’t really show any symptoms and will just really surprise you, there are other types that give some warning signs but are often ignored.

Especially for the women, you have to be alert on the signs that your body is giving you. You should be sensitive with the changes in your body so that you can have it checked at once and prevent a more serious condition.

There are tests done on women to check out possible health problems especially on the reproductive organs. But you shouldn’t rely on these tests alone. Always be alert on specific changes or appearances on your body.

Here are the significant signs that are often ignored;

*Chronic Chest Pain and Cough can be a sign of Lung Cancer and Leukemia.

*Frequent Infection and Fever may lead to Leukemia.

*Shortness of Breath of Wheezing can end up in Lung Cancer.

*Lumps on the groin, underarm and neck or Swollen Lymph Nodes can cause a kind of cancer.

*Difficulty in swallowing can develop into Throat or Esophageal Cancer.

*Continuous fatigue and weakness can end up in having cancer.

*Continuous excessive bruising or bleeding might lead to Leukemia.

*Abdominal weight gain, bloating and being unable to eat may develop into Ovarian Cancer.

*Abdominal and Pelvic Pain is a sign of Ovarian Cancer.

*Unexplained weight loss is one significant sign of most Cancers especially Stomach or Colon

*Stomach ache or upset stomach is a sign of Colorectal Cancer.

*Sore and swollen breasts or nipple changes may develop into Breast Cancer.

*Bleeding between your period or unusually painful and heavy periods may become Endometrial

*Skin lumps or sores that don’t heal easily and creates a crust or bleed easily can be Skin Cancer.

*Changes in nail appearance may be a sign of Liver Cancer. You have to take extra attention to your
  body and always check for possible signs so that you can have yourself checked by your doctor at
  once and have it treated before it turns into a more serious stage. 

You have to pay extra attention to your body and always check for possible signs so that you can have yourself checked by your doctor at once and have it treated before it turns into a more serious stage.

Warning Signs Of Stroke That Everyone Should Know

Stroke is not like a thief in the night that will attack when you least expect it or that it just happens to anyone without a warning. It actually sends out warning signs. It occurs when the blood flow in the brain stopped or when your brain cells are just about to die.

In the past, it has been associated with older people but nowadays, even the young adults suffer from it. There are many causes of stroke and these are high cholesterol, too much smoking, high blood sugar levels, too much stress and high blood pressure.

Here are the warnings signs that a stroke is about to happen to you;

*Extreme Headache

A sudden and excruciating headache is one of the most common symptoms of an elevated blood pressure.

*Numbness of Arms

If you are about to suffer from stroke, you will feel numbness on one arm or even both. This is the reason why a person who has been hit by stroke is asked if he can raise his arms as high as his own head.


When there’s a sudden feeling of confusion without any reason at all, that is a sign of a possible stroke. This means that there is an inability to express thoughts or understand what other people are trying to say.


A person suffering from stroke experiences some unexpected balance problems and coordination.

*Speech Difficulty

A person who is affected by stroke cannot speak clearly and may probably slur his words.

*Pain in the Nape

A person suffering from stroke may also feel severe pain in the nape.

Having said all these, take note of all the possible warning signs of stroke and if you feel any among these symptoms, proceed to the emergency at once or have yourself checked by your doctor to avoid further complications.

If You Want To Achieve Beautiful Skin and Hair, Why Not Try ARGAN OIL?

Argan oil is extracted from the argan tree kernels which makes it an organic product. This is a native of Morocco which is rich in nutrients beneficial to the hair and skin. This includes vitamin E and fatty acids. Argan oil has actually become a famous cosmetic ingredient for the celebrities and the rich and famous. But, it’s not limited to them because anyone can actually afford to buy this. 

These are the benefits of Argan Oil; HAIR CONDITIONER 

Argan oil can make the hair shinier, silkier and softer which makes it perfect as a hair conditioner. It also treats frizzy hair and split ends. Just put a few drops of argan oil in your palms then gently comb your fingers into your hair. 


This is most used as a moisturizer for the skin; for skin softening and hydration. It has a high content of fatty acids and vitamin E making it the best product that gives the skin a normal boost. Just place a few drops in your palms then rub it gently into your skin.   


Argan oil is not only an effective moisturizer but it also reduces the appearance of wrinkles on your face thus giving it a youthful looking skin. The anti-oxidant effect makes it the ideal anti-aging product that it is. It restores the elasticity of the skin making it softer and plumper. Gently massage a few drops into your skin. 


Argan oil, having the ability to make your hair shiny or tame your frizzy hair, can be used as a styling agent. This will make the hair healthier, shinier and more manageable. You can add this in your daily routine; applying a few drops over your palms and combing your fingers through your hair. 


If you suffer from skin conditions that resulted from dry skin like eczema, argan oil can be an effective remedy. The fatty acids and vitamin E are great for repairing skin that has been damaged. Simply apply a few drops directly into the affected area.  


Lips crack easily especially during cold seasons. Argan oil is perfect in making sure that your lips remain supple, soft and plump. Just rub a drop into your lips as you would do with a lip balm. 


Argan oil soothes and heals skin that has been infected with acne. Just apply a drop of argan oil in the affected area and rub gently. 


For pregnant women, sagging and stretch marks have always been a post pregnancy problem. Argan oil increases the skin’s elasticity because of its vitamin E content. Just rub a few drops into your stomach, breasts, thighs and bottom during pregnancy to minimize the appearance of these unsightly marks.

Health Benefits Of SAMBONG That You Ought To Know

Sambong usually comes in tablet or capsule form, dried leaves or tea. It has a mild menthol taste that is very effective for the relief of stomach conditions. This herbal medicine is very safe to use because it has no known side effects. It can actually be used for a long period of time without causing any overdose. Even pregnant or breastfeeding women can use this. The health benefits of Sambong are truly amazing. 

To take advantage of the health benefits of Sambong, add a teaspoon of the dried leaves in a cup of hot water; steep for a few minutes then allow to cool down before drinking. You can have three to four cups of it daily.  

The following are the health benefits of Sambong; 

*It is known to be both anti-fungal and antibacterial because Sambong has icthyothereol and cyptomeridiol which can destroy bacteria and fungus like P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. coli, C. albicans, A. niger and B. subtilis.  

*Sambong tea can be taken internally when experiencing fevers and it will help in lowering it. Sambong tea can also be added to your bath for faster healing. 

*Sambong tea also acts as a toothache relief. Gargle Sambong tea and you will feel the pain slowly disappearing. 

*Sambong, being antimicrobial, can be used on skin wounds. The tea or powder can be used to ensure fast healing.