The Bad Effects Of Not Having Enough Sleep And What You Should Do About It

In this busy and challenging world, sleep had become a luxury. You can say that there are instances that you are actually being deprived of sleep with all the deadlines to meet. They say that this is somewhat a sign of progress and much better than having so many hours to spend on sleeping which means that you are either unemployed or on a part-time only. 

Having said that, are you aware that not having enough sleep can cause many problems for you? It can be a risk to your health as it can cause many health conditions and one of them is high blood pressure. A weak immune system is also a side effect of not sleeping enough.  

To be sure if you are not having enough sleep, these are the symptoms so check them out

Increased Errors or Accidents 
If you have been sleeping less, chances are, your mind will be like floating somewhere. This is turn might result in committing many errors in your job or worst, you might end up having an accident. 

Feeling Tired During The Day 
If you see yourself always craving for some coffee or yawning most of the day, that’s another sign for you. Also, if you feel yourself to need some nap time within the day, it’s very obvious that you didn’t sleep enough.  

Sleeping helps the body in making the hormones normal thus the hormones will go crazy if you don’t sleep enough and this will create a breakout of acne. 

Mood Swings 
Having less sleep than needed causes irritability 

Weight Gain 
The hormones leptin and ghrelin are manipulated by sleep. These hormones are responsible for appetite control which means that if you are not sleeping enough, the hormones will mess up and the body will then crave for food more than it actually needs. This in turn will end up in gaining too much weight. 

As you can see, the symptoms and results are not good. These will definitely take a toll on your health. So what better way than to find some remedies before it gets to worse, right?  

Here are some remedies you can do at home; 

*Drinking warm milk before going to bed has been proven effective centuries ago. Milk has calcium which is aids your brain in producing melatonin, which is the hormone that is responsible for promoting sleep. 

*Melatonin, the hormone which is responsible for regulating sleep is not just the one produced by the brain but also, it can be taken in the form of natural supplements. You can buy them from health stores. 

*Avoid eating heavy meals before going to bed but rather, you can just take in some light snack that has carbohydrates and protein.  

*Lavender can decrease blood pressure and heart rate, according to the National Sleep Foundation. This will prepare you for a good sleep. 

*Another helpful aid in lulling yourself to sleep is by adding magnesium in your daily diet. Spinach, dark chocolates and pumpkin seeds are some of the foods that are rich in magnesium. 

Now that you are aware that depriving yourself of getting the right amount of sleep can be bad for your health, you should slowly try to help yourself sleep well to avoid any health conditions.


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