The Health Benefits Of Rambutan That You Probably Do Not Know

Rambutan or Nephelium Laapaceum, is a red, hairy and small fruit on the exterior but with a juicy white flesh inside. It originated in Malaysia and Indonesia but had been cultured all throughout Southeast Asia and had spread to other parts of the world like India, America and Australia. It got its name from the Indonesian word, rambut, meaning hair. 

The fruit is popular because of its delicious taste but do you know that it also has a lot of health benefits to boast of? It’s been called “super fruit” by the experts because of its many benefits. It can be a great substitute to the common favourite of many, the processed foods and other junk foods. The benefits can be found not only on the fruit but on the bark, rind and leaves as well. Benefits of Rambutan


Iron is vital for the proper function of the body. It is used in transferring oxygen from your lungs to other body tissues. Lack of proper iron in your body would result to fatigue, dizziness and paleness. Rambutan, having an enormous amount of iron content, will be extremely beneficial for your health. 


Rambutan seeds decrease weight. It is effective in lessening the amount of body fats. The fruit itself has a high fiber content and low in calories aside from containing a vast amount of water. Aside from these benefits, rambutan also helps prevent bloating. 


Rambutan, having an enormous amount of protein and carbohydrates, will be an effective energy booster. This fruit is also very rich in water, making it a thirst quencher. 


Rambutan is rich in phosphorus, a mineral essential for filtering kidney wastes. Phosphorus is also the one responsible for the development maintenance and repair of body cells and tissues.  


Rambutan has a significant amount of calcium which works together with phosphorus thus making bones and teeth stronger. Stronger bones will reduce the chances of having fractures and bone diseases. 


Rambutan leaves create a paste that gives nourishment to the hair inside and out. 


Rambutan has the ability to hydrate the skin, making it soft and smooth since it has high water content. It also has free radicals and guards efficiently against cancer. 


Rambutan contains anti-oxidants and can be effective in the treatment of cancer. It also has gallic acid, a compound that kills the radicals and protects the body from oxidative damage. The seeds and skin have both been proven to be an effective agent in fighting off cancer.


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