TOOTHACHE – A Not So Simple Pain But With A Simple Remedy

I believe everyone would agree with me when I say that having a toothache is one of the worst pains you can encounter. It’s not just like you’re having simple pain because even you jaws and hear are in pain too. It’s like your world stops for a while when you suffer from toothache; it’s hard to concentrate so you can’t really do anything.  

Toothache is caused by several problems like a cracked tooth, grinding of teeth, gum disease or an abnormal bite. The most common cause of toothache though is tooth decay. The tooth has four layers; 

Enamel – the hardest substance in the body. This is brittle and greatly mineralized and it is the outer part of the tooth. 

Dentin – this one is beneath the tooth enamel and somewhat more flexible than the enamel. 

Cementum – this is a bone-like matter which is greatly specialized. This covers the root of your tooth, softer than the enamel and dentin. The main function of this part is to act as a medium so that the periodontal ligaments can be attached to the tooth for it to be stable. 

Pulp – this is the central part of your tooth which is filled with connective soft tissues that are rich in nerves and blood vessels. 

Let’s talk about cavity now. Cavity is what you can call as the end product of bacteria in the mouth aside from it being the reaction to starches and sugars. When the bacteria break down starches and sugars, sticky plaque which is filled with acid now forms over in your tooth. This then becomes tartar if you leave it unchecked. The acids will eat the tooth enamel and if it remains untreated, the pulp will become infected. An infected pulp may result to undergoing a root canal to treat the problem. So, remember to be aware of the state of your teeth in order to avoid toothache.  

Now, if you are suffering from toothache, here are some remedies you can try instead of taking pain relievers. 


This contains the substance eugenol which happens to be a painkiller and a strong antiseptic. Before modern dentistry, these are used by dentists for the treatment of toothache. 

What you need; 

Cotton balls 
Clove essential oil 
A teaspoon of olive oil
Cotton swabs (optional) 


Rinse the mouth with a warm salt water to allow the oil to do its job perfectly. Mix half teaspoon of olive oil with a few drops of the clove essential oil. Soak a cotton ball thoroughly in the mixture. Hold this firmly and gently over the sore gum or tooth. You can also use cotton swab instead of cotton balls if you wish. This may not be so comfortable though. 

***This is just a temporary solution though because it will not cure the cause of the pain. *** 


Though many avoid the use of alcohol as a remedy, it can be a great remedy for toothache. The purpose for this is to numb the pain you are feeling until you can visit your dentist and have your tooth checked. Alcohol can slow down the response of the central nervous system and this includes transmission of pain. 

What you need; 

Cotton ball 


Pour some alcohol on a small container the soak the cotton ball in it. Place it over the painful tooth and allow it to sit there for a few minutes. Repeat as long as necessary.  


Peppermint essential oil can be very effective in numbing of toothache. Packed with 3,000 tons of menthol, peppermint has been a favorite relief for a toothache. The menthol in it doesn’t exactly cure the pain but rather, it tricks the brain on registering a cold sensation. 

What you need; 

Cotton balls 
Peppermint essential oil (Pure) 


Mix 15 drops of the oil into two tbsps. of neutral oil (can either be olive oil, grape seed and the like). Soak the cotton ball into the mixture then pack it all over the painful tooth. Repeat this procedure as necessary. 


This helps ease out pain before you can go to the dentist for evaluation of your tooth. Bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars from your food intake. When the bacteria breakdowns the sugar, lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid destroys the enamel then the pulp becomes infected. This infection will then spread and becomes abscess. By using salt, it will neutralize the lactic acid. Warm salt water helps in contracting the inflamed tissues then draws the excess fluid out which will eventually ease the discomfort. 

What you need; 

Sea salt – ½ tsp. 
Warm salt water – 1 cup 


Put the salt in the glass of warm water. Swish for one minute. Spit it out then repeat until the glass is empty. You can do this as often as you need.


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