Knowing How To Detect Fake HONEY Can Save Your Life

Honey has always been known to be a very healthy food. But to fully enjoy its benefits, you have to make sure that it is pure. Good news because there is a way to detect the authenticity of honey. First of all, check the label. Does it have any additives or artificial flavors? If yes, then it is obviously not raw and pure.  

Pure and raw honey won’t have any additional ingredients, that is what makes it pure in the first place. Of course, the best way to have it pure is when you can buy it from a beekeeper. This way, you can be 100% sure that it is unprocessed. 

Here are the ways you can do your own test; 


*Place a few drops of honey in your thumb 
*Keenly observe if the honey will spread around your thumb or will trip from it. 
*If it does any of the two, it is not pure. Pure honey will just stay in one place and will remain in one piece.  


*Fill a glass with water 
*Take 1 tbsp. of honey then pour it in the glass of water. 
*If it dissolves in the water, it is definitely a fake honey. Pure honey will just stay at the bottom of the glass of water while an artificial one will dissolve in the water quickly and spread all over the container. 

Now, you may want to know why it is a must that your honey is pure. It’s because the honey should come from the bees and organic; not from the factories which will surely add substances that will be harmful to your health. 

These are the substances that are added to honey when it comes from factories; 

*Invert Sugar 
*Corn Syrup 
*Sugar Syrup 

Aside from these mentioned, there are still other additives that factory made honey contains. A pure and raw honey contains 21 vitamins and 16 minerals. It also has 18 amino acids, phytonutrients, healing properties and antioxidants in an ounce of it.


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