Are you aware that when you keep on checking your smart phones when you are already in bed you are at risk of losing your eyesight? With the rise of social media sites, our sleeping habits have changed drastically. We sleep very late especially if we are chatting with friends from distant countries. Even when we are already sleeping, we tend to wake up and check out our social media accounts even on the wee hours of the morning.
Little do we know that these habits are ruining our health. It ruins our sleep schedule which will surely affect the things we need to do the following day. Another important thing we have to know is how our smart phone affects our body every time we use it when we are already in bed.
The smart phone emits a bright blue light which is exactly the same that the sun releases. This tricks our brain to think that it is still day. If we would notice, even if we can hardly open our eyes, once we open our phones and check we will surely be awake afterwards and going back to sleep would be hard. The blue light from the screen of your smart phone stops the release of melatonin from your brains. Melatonin is a hormone that induces sleep.
It has been discovered from experimental research that the average person who uses a mobile device before going to sleep would have a difficult time falling asleep much more staying asleep. It is also important to know that the effect of the smart phone is more prominent with the teenagers. They are more at risk of the effects of the light, much more than the adults.
To top it all, this all boils down to one thing; limit your use of mobile device when you are about to sleep. Try turning it off at least 2 hrs. before going to sleep. This will help your body release melatonin at the right time and so the brain will not feel like it is still day.
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